Hi, and welcome. I'm Paul Steinberg. I’ve been a seeker my whole life. As a child, I was always asking questions to try to figure out who I really am, and what this world really is. I started meditating at 14, and while that rewarded me with a degree of relaxation, it didn’t answer my questions, and I stepped into adulthood without any clear sense of who I was, what I wanted to do with my life, or how I wanted to live. I was successful as a Wall St. lawyer and also got a masters in social work, had a great apartment in New York City, and had very supportive and nurturing family and friends. Nevertheless, I did not feel as good about myself or my life as I knew I could. I've always known that greater peace and contentment is possible.
Eventually I found yoga, a different kind of meditation, and energy healing work, and over years of work at all these practices, I have come to the place that I yearned for since childhood. I'm happy! I love my life exactly as it is, even as it continues to change!

Until the past few years, I did this work both on my own and with many incredible teachers. Each of these teachers guided me from within their own tradition and perspective, so the work focused my exploration through a particular lens. Several years ago I met a teacher who does not confine his work to any one perspective. He is a master of perceiving what is going on for the individual and tailoring the work to whatever presents itself at the time. In this way, the work is always targeted, relevant and profound, it complements the other practices I engage in, and progress moves more rapidly than when my work has been limited to one practice.
This is how I conceptualize my work and what I am offering--a range of modalities that address whatever issues at whatever levels the client presents on their path to personal freedom.
I am a Jivamukti Yoga™ teacher and spent six years working side-by-side as the editor and general consultant for the founders and spiritual
leaders of Jivamukti, Sharon Gannon and David Life. I meditate with an enlightened teacher, Linda Clair. And I am certified in Reiki, BioGeometry™, Matrix Energetics™, and I’ve studied Integrated Manual Therapy™ and a variety of other modalities.
Please reach out to explore how I can help you move forward on your path.